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Naniwa Standard Series – Traditional Quality for Sharpening

Explore the Naniwa Standard series sharpening stones, formerly known as the Naniwa Traditional series. These stones are deeply rooted in Japanese sharpening traditions, and while they are traditional, they compete excellently with the most modern options.

The Naniwa Standard series offers a comprehensive range of sharpening stones that are suitable for both beginners and experienced enthusiasts. The series combines quality and ease of use, making these stones a reliable choice for all home needs.

The range covers from coarse to fine:

  • Pink Arato stone (coarse): Ideal for coarser sharpening when blades need more maintenance.
  • 1000 grit stone comfort: This stone is known for its balanced sharpening feel, making sharpening a pleasure.
  • Green 2000 grit stone: Also known as the "Green Brick of Joy," this stone is the same as the larger Aotoishi and offers precise results.
  • Crowning the series is the 4000 grit stone: This fine stone compares well with many competitors and gives your blades a top-notch finish.

Easy to use:

The Naniwa Standard series sharpening stones require about 10-15 minutes of soaking before use. However, you can keep the stones in water for longer periods without any issues, so they are always ready when you need them.

Naniwa – Quality You Can Trust.

The Naniwa Standard series is the perfect choice for those who value tradition and quality in sharpening. Get yours and experience how traditional quality elevates your sharpening to a whole new level!

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